True friends, I’ve heard it said, withstand the test of time. Little did I know that my friendships were in for one hell of a test. You see, it wasn’t that long ago when my life seemed flooded with friends- or so I thought. Then came THE TEST. The most challenging time of my life appeared seemingly out of no where and many of those, I had considered dear friends, ran for cover. Needless to say, when you are going through a time of great despair – it piles insult upon injury when those you thought were your friends skatter as if you had leprosy. I was distraught, in disbelief & dismayed.
Over time, I came to realize what a gift this difficult time had become. It illuminated the truth of what a real friend is. Those I had believed were “friends” were now thankfully, no where to be found and those left standing by my side are what I affectionately call My 5 Star Friends. It could not have been easy for them to be there in my struggle, but they were, nonetheless. It became a dance of sorts, each one stepping in at a different time & in a different way, to support, encourage & uplift. One thing for sure- they had my back & weren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and be in the thick of it with me when needed.
I marvel now, that they never lacked for belief that I would come through this dark time. They saw my strength when I was overcome by grief. They saw my faith when I was disillusioned. They saw my joy when I was consumed in sorrow. I missed their birthdays, their day to day challenges & could not be there for them as I once had been. But they understood & remained lovingly by my side with hope, faith & friendship.
Why 5 Star, you ask? Because each one of these amazing friends are worth at least 5 of any other. Thank you…Audrey, Michele, Christiney, Lina, Kristin, Diane, Melba, Jeanne, Melissa, Elyse, Amy, Dana & Marci for you are indeed, My 5 Star Friends.
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