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I just ran a half marathon yesterday…not intentionally mind you- as the result of a wrong turn.  My intention was to stretch myself to run 12 miles to start out 2012 with 12 & I missed the chalk arrows pointing the way to the finish.  I completed 13.1 miles feeling, needless to say, a bit worn.  Life is like that.  We set our sights to “run” a certain distance in a day & then we make a wrong turn or an unplanned event shows up & our best laid plans are thwarted.    Then we pile on the frustration which leads to aggravation & before we know it, our day feels like it fell short & we feel unaccomplished & dissatisfied.

But what if we decide to go with the flow rather than kick against it. What if we begin to see our frustrations as invitations?  What if what we are meant to learn & experience  IS the “unexpected”.  What if we start opening ourselves to the possibility instead of the inconvenience & listened to what unfolds?  My hunch is we would be able to be in the moment & live more fully- embracing what is.

So here’s to embracing an amazing 2012 filled with unexpected blessings & challenges.