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“If only”… “I will when” The Time is NOW


Yesterday, I went on 2 hour walk with an old friend.  There was much catching up to do as we meandered through the Kauffman Gardens, the Nelson Sculpture Garden, the Art Institute…As we meandered our thoughts and insights came to light.

Both of us spent time sharing some of the challenges we have come through the past few years and how they have led us to where we are.  Reflecting, remembering and relearning…What I realized is that all too often, I can focus on what I do NOT have rather than on what I do.  Meaning, I can miss what IS by focusing on what ISN’T.  Seems there is always something I would like to tweak, put into place and some gap to fill or some space to empty.  Perhaps you are waiting until you lose a few pounds to feel good about yourself rather than appreciating what you are doing to become the healthy and radiant you.  When we are grateful along the way,  we create the positive energy that can carry us through to our desired goal.  When are are focused on what is NOT – the life energy we need to move forward is sucked right out of us.

“If onlys can keep us from recognizing how far we’ve come and prevent us from enjoying what we have.   “I will whens” can also trip us up as we wait around for the “when” that seems to never come.  So why wait for the WHEN when we have the NOW.  The time is NOW for being grateful for what IS.

So today, I give thanks for what IS:

  • My daughter’s radiant spirit and effervescent smile
  • My son’s tenacity and depth of insight
  • My strength and stamina while training for my 5th marathon
  • This glorious spring and it’s brilliant colors
  • Our close knit neighborhood
  • My passion for my work
  • Our creativity
  • Our colorful tree house in the tiny woods

Now it’s your turn, to focus on what IS and be grateful.


  • Debra Hayes says:

    I am grateful for you, Jill, and for being a strong influence on my life. We need to get together again soon.

    Big hugs – –

    • Jill Tupper says:

      I, too, and grateful for you, Debra. We do, indeed, need to be together. Just give me a call. Be Well & Blessings, Jill