It has been my experience as a Life & Wellness Coach that losing weight is as much about changing our minds, as it is about changing our behavior. All too often, we change our eating habits, up our exercise and see great results, however, it’s sustaining the change that is the real challenge.
Tomorrow night, March 1st from 7-8 pm at Pilates 1901- in our 4 F’s to Fat Loss Freedom program, we will be discussing: 1. Food as Fuel 2. Food…Family…Fed-Up 3. Meet, Greet and Overeat. You will gain insight into what triggers you to eat when you are not hungry and come up with real solutions.
It is important to realize that for many of us, our eating is linked to our emotions. We eat in response to what we feel. I, for one, turn to decadent dark chocolate when I am in the need of a hug, a kiss or a bit of encouragement. Food can provide a bit of comfort for us in the midst of a challenging day. There are, however, other more healthy ways to get our needs met rather than overloading our stomach’s with stuff our bodies simply do not need.
Practically speaking if you are in need of a bit of comfort and you find yourself going directly to the refrigerator try out a few alternatives: go for a short walk* drink a cup of tea or a glass of water [often we are dehydrated and our bodies could use it]* call or text a positive friend* listen to some music or sing- really!* do a few push-ups or sit-ups* smell some lavender* shift your thoughts to the healthy meal you will enjoy a bit later* positive self talk*
Over time, with practice, you will unhook yourself from the magnetic pull of the refrigerator and begin to lighten up physically and emotionally. When you realize that it is a choice and begin experimenting with other choices you free yourself from the old patterns that weigh you down and lose weight, feel great on your way to Fat Loss Freedom!